Letter of the Week: Y
Saturday, March 29, 2014 at 7:59PM
Vlinder CT PLLC in Letter of the Week, letter 'y', letter of the week

March 31- April 4
Letter of the Week: Y
Theme: Y

Last (for letters of the alphabet), but not least – ‘Y’!   ‘Y’ is a consonant.  From a speech perspective, ‘y’ is a borrower.  As with the other borrowers, ‘y’ is a symbol without a unique sound of its own.  At the beginning of words, ‘Y’ borrows its sound from the long ‘e’ vowel sound (as in “eel”).  Say the word “yoga” slowly, holding out the first sound.  You should hear (and feel) “eeeee” before gliding to the “o” sound.  Just as with long ‘e’, the corners of your lips retract toward your ears while your jaw lowers just slightly; your tongue tenses up and pulls back.  It is a noisy sound (we turn on our voice – vocal cords vibrate – to make this sound).  Hold your hand on your neck and say “hhhhhhh” then “e”.   Feel the difference?

In therapy:  We will be reading 'y' themed books, doing ‘y’ themed activities, and exploring the letter name, letter sound and letter symbol for 'y'.

Suggestions for home:  Pick out the ones that appeal most to your child (and you!).  Kids learn best through active experiences.  And multi-modal learning helps make stronger and more diverse connections in the brain, which helps with retention and recall.  Sprinkle ‘y’ throughout the week.  Most important, have fun!


While not filled with "y" words, Namaste: A Little Yoga Folks' Tale by Tammie Cicura is a nice book introduction to yoga and using yoga poses and breathing to deal with emotions.

Eating the Alphabet - Y:  This is a tough one, but here are a couple of ideas…

     yogurt     yams     yellow squash    yakitori     yucca

Feeling adventurous?  Make a yellow cake with your child.

Scavenger Hunt:  how many ‘y’ things can you find around the house, while shopping at the market, in a magazine or store ad flyers?

Field Trip:  Zoo/Aquarium:  how many animals can you find with ‘y’ in their name?

Letter Detective:  look for the letter ‘y’ in a variety of texts (books, magazines, newspaper, road signs, license plates).

Sensory Play:


Can you think of other ‘y’ activities?  Please share!

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