

Entries in AAC (33)


Aided-language what? How to model AAC

Two of the most important components to the success of AAC (augmentative-alternative communication) are sufficient training and support for communication partners and "modeling". But just what does it mean to "model"? And how do we adequately break it down so we can train all of the people (communication partners) in the AAC learner's life?

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Writing AAC Goals - Got Precepts?

As an AAC-SLP, I want to help every team member develop a basic understanding of what will help our shared AAC learner - of the breadth of knowledge and skills required for an AAC user to become a competent communicator. Here are my precepts to "live by" when developing AAC goals.

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AAC Tips Flipbook

I have had a growing frustration regarding how to pass on key information to all team members (and in a way that they can remember even when I'm not there/available) when implementing AAC. Enter the FLIPBOOK!

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2016 Nancy McKinley Lecture Series: Topics in AAC {Day 5}

October is AAC Awareness Month! All this week I am attending a live webinar series on called: 2016 Nancy McKinley Lecture Series: Topics in AAC. Here is my summary of Day 5.

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2016 Nancy McKinley Lecture Series: Topics in AAC {Day 4}

October is AAC Awareness Month! All this week I am attending a live webinar series on called: 2016 Nancy McKinley Lecture Series: Topics in AAC. Here is my summary of Day 4.

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