Letter of the Week: Q
I grew up with quilts. Quilts that were used. A lot. Quilts my grandmother made. Quilts my mom made. Heading to the park? We grabbed a large quilt to spread out on the grass. Curling up on the living room floor for a special movie night? Grabbed a comfy quilt to get cozy. Nap time - definitely quilt time. I remember making a quilt for my doll when I was learning to sew as a girl (and being quite proud of that quilt). And when I headed off to University as an undergrad I was armed with a quilt my mom had made for me when I was younger. As we tackle our second to last letter of the alphabet, we are going to celebrate quilts!
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Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 7:59PM
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letter 'q',
letter of the week,
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Letter of the Week