

Entries in BHSM (13)


Apraxia, Fluency, Voice, oh my! The S in SLP

The "S" in SLP stands for "speech" and is probably the most widely known part of a SLPs job. But, did you know that difficulties with "speech" include a variety of different diagnoses? "Speech" can mean: articulation, phonological process, apraxia, dysarthria, fluency, voice...

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Parent-to-Parent: How has therapy helped?

There are many pathways to, and through, speech-language therapy. Finding the "right' intervention (be it a good fit with a speech-language pathologist, an intervention approach that clicks, a great team of professionals working together, etc.) can be life-altering. The big message is that communication disorders are treatable!

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Identify the Signs

May is Better Hearing & Speech Month! A time when speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and those touched by communication and/or swallowing disorders make an extra effort to raise awareness of speech, language, listening, hearing, voice, fluency, pragmatic, and swallowing disorders.

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