SLP Book Club: the curious incident of the dog in the night-time
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [affiliate link] is a novel by Mark Haddon.
This was in interesting read for me. The story is told in the voice of 15-year-old Christopher Boone who has autism. Similar to The Rosie Project, I felt immersed in an approximation of what it might be like inside a neuro-diverse brain. The author did a nice job of keeping the novel "in character". On the flip side, I found it difficult to read parts of how Christopher's parents treated him. Enough that I come away not sure if I "liked" this book.
While it seems that this novel would be a mystery (Christopher sets out to solve the mystery of who killed a neighbor's dog) it is really a story about Christopher - how he thinks, perceives, and navigates his world. It reads a bit like his diary, recording events, thoughts, and experiences.
In a word, this book is eccentric. I gained perspective regarding the thought processes that may be occurring, and how sensory overload may feel, in individuals with autism. For that reason I am glad I read this book.
UPDATE (11/5/15):
I have had a few more days to process this book. And the dynamics of the Boone family are really staying with me. But with a bit more distance and time to think about it, I realize that the reality is life it messy. We try to do the best we can in the moment. And that isn't always "good" enough. Balancing our needs with the needs of our loved ones (especially when they have special needs or are in direct opposition to our own needs) is difficult. The Boone family represents a dimension of reality. It's not pretty, but it is life.
Disclosure: I purchased the book and received no compensation for this post. The opinions are all mine. This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.

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