Review Week #2
O, B, X, S, A, I, F, L, P, J, M, H, and U. Whew! We are halfway through the alphabet. And now it is November. This coming Monday we pay tribute to the men and women who have served, or are serving, our country. And then in a couple of weeks we take time to give thanks for all the goodness, big and small, in our lives. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice… “The Holidays”. Busy, busy, busy. So, now through the beginning of 2014 (!) we will have several weeks of review with a few new letters/sounds sprinkled in. This coming week? A review week! You will also notice an over-riding theme all month of gratitude/Thanksgiving (with special focus on turkeys one week...but more on that in my next post).